David wrote this poem about his mum’s journey with Frontotemporal Dementia and Aphasia, and the impact this has on her and those supporting her. Telling us: “I’m sure it’s a conversation we all would love to have if we could if we could see the disease.”

Dear Dementia

Dear Dementia

I wish you would go away

You take more of our beautiful mum

Each and every day.

Although we can't see you

We all know you are there

The damage you are causing

No Doctor can repair.

There's no medicine to stop you

Or even slow you down.

You're aggressive and way too fast

All our mum now remembers

Are snippets of her past.

So Dementia I beg,

Please stop for just a while

And let us have this time with her,

To make more memories And to see her smile.

You're taking her away from us

It's so cruel and just not fair

She's started seeing things today

Things, that are not even there.

We will stand beside her though

Holding her hand the whole way

We will remember for her

When you steal her memories away.

One thing you can't take though

Is the love that we all share

You underestimate us all dementia

And how much we really truly care.

One day Dementia your time on earth will come

We will find a cure and forever you will be gone.

A world free of your suffering

No more of this pain

Until that day though Dementia

By our mum's side we will all remain.

By David Diehl