Dementia Friendly Communities

Important update to our Dementia Friendly Communities recognition scheme

Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Friendly Communities recognition scheme ended on 31 December 2023.

We recognise the fantastic work and huge commitment from Dementia Friendly Community groups and the hundreds of people and organisations who have been working hard to make their local communities more dementia friendly.

If you would like any more information or guidance about the ending of the Dementia Friendly Communities scheme, please contact us at [email protected]

Dementia friendly resources

We’re pleased to share that, based on feedback, we have now brought together key content from dementia friendly guides and resources and built it into a new easy to access online information resource. Its purpose is to help groups, businesses and organisations continue to identify practical actions they can take to be more dementia friendly.

 We hope the resource will be useful in helping local groups continue to lead and deliver on local plans to improve the quality of life for people affected by dementia.

As well as Alzheimer’s Society resources, there are many other fantastic resources to support groups that want to make their community more dementia friendly such as the World Health Organisation’s toolkit on Towards a dementia inclusive society and the Age Friendly Cities framework.

The Dementia Friends initiative is not ending. We will continue to run the programme, helping more people to understand dementia, reducing the stigma surrounding the condition and ensuring awareness of dementia is available to everyone.