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Dementia Friend, Dilys Williams, has been managing a National Lottery Community Funded project at a council run care home in Tywyn Gwynedd. 

“I became involved a few years ago when my auntie went to live at a home for those living with dementia as she had Alzheimer's. I would leave my visits to see her sad and frightened until one day they were having great fun throwing woollen pompoms like a snowball fight. I realised that it was important to live in their moment and not try to get them to remember the past that we remember.” 

Dilys became a Dementia Friend to find out more about dementia and to be able to help others: “I learnt how to interact and relate to those living with dementia and it inspired me to raise the profile of dementia at every opportunity. I have also recommended my family and friends to become Dementia Friends.” 

Dilys shared her advice for those who are thinking about signing up to become a Dementia Friend: “It’s so worthwhile finding out more about the illness and what you can provide.”

Since becoming a Dementia Friend, Dilys has raised nearly £30,000 for Llys Cadfan Care Home to fund acquiring Beach Wheelchairs and to build a garden for those living with dementia. Dilys said: “I helped the Dementia Go professional in the weekly exercise class and the Dementia Go sessions at the Leisure Centre. Since then, I have dedicated my time to raise funds for the care home to enhance the lives living there.”

The care home saw potential in a piece of land that had no purpose and so an application was made for funding which was successful. 

Dilys said: “The garden has been built especially for those living with dementia at the home who can potter in the garden, tend to the plants and vegetables that can be harvested, cooked and eaten by residents.” 

The new garden has been an attraction for local communities like gardening clubs, Greener Tywyn, Keep Wales Tidy and local people have all been contributing. Eco Group of Ysgol Uchwradd have been helping on a weekly basis and will continue, to work alongside residents in the garden. “I can't do enough for Llys Cadfan, the staff are dedicated professionals who lovingly care for everyone at the home. They are angels and always patient. Those living with dementia are very special people and deserve the best that can be offered them whilst dealing with this awful illness and their close families need a calm and pleasant environment to sit with their loved ones.” 

“The new garden is a special gift that I've been able to deliver for all at Llys Cadfan and was formally opened on 11th April 2024.”