Kira age 12, wrote this poem based on the experience of her Nan's Alzheimer's, and it was written as part of a school project.

Me and my Nan

Alzheimer's is taking my Nan away,

And its making her worse every day.

Her body is well but her brain is not,

The fun things we did she has totally forgot.

Nan tells me stories of loved ones not here,

I laugh and listen but inside there's a tear.

Many everyday things she doesn't understand,

But I will always be there to hold her hand.

Her face goes empty, grey and sad,

This incurable disease is making us mad.

I get out the old photos and Nan bursts into song,

Sometimes you'd never know anything was wrong.

I love my Nan, we muck about care free,

Alzheimer's is so cruel but it's not all bad for me.